Where can I buy some used cheap designer clothes?

Does anyone know of a warehouse or outlet store that I can buy good, cheap, used brand name or designer clothes?

I have found that these clothes are much better and more conservative than the cheap ones that I buy brand new, they are good clothes, not junk. I used to go to the Saks Fifth sale when came to my town, but they stopped a few years ago.

Outlets all throughout the malls. =) Look them up for around your area

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7 Responses to “Where can I buy some used cheap designer clothes?”

  1. Iniaz says:

    On your next vacation, come to Malaysia. Go to a place called Petaling Street in Kuala Lumpur. Here you will find thousands of NEW, FAKE, COPYCAT desiner clothes, handbags, shoes, watches.
    The designers show them on the catwalk in Paris on a Sunday. The copiers sew them on a Monday. They are for sale in Petaling street on Tuesday. The copies look exactly like the real thing. No kidding. There are thousands of toiurists from all over the world who frequent Petaling Street daily.
    I had a girlfriend from Paris who came to visit. At a local nightspot, she was amazed to see all the girls wearing the very latest fashions that was just unveiled in Paris. They were not even in the shops there yet but the girls were already flaunting the dresses here.
    Average price for a desiner dress, Prada bag, Channel sunglasses, Choo heels, Rolex watch – about $20 – $50
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  2. SoIsses says:

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  3. s_noshi says:

    charity shops
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  4. Sarah says:

    Outlets all throughout the malls. =) Look them up for around your area
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  5. boo boo says:

    Salvation army and Goodwill have wonderful consignment shops, check your local yellow pages.
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  6. torskie says:

    Check Goodwill and other 2nd hand stores. open your phone book.
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  7. Sweet face says:

    platos closet
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